Category: Inner West

Termite Control In Inner West - Save Yourself From A Disaster!

Termite Control In Inner West - Save Yourself From A Disaster!

It is important to be vigilant about termite infestation before it advances to the stages of destructive infestation. The longer the termite infestation is allowed to continue, the more severe the consequences can become. Termite infestation occurs when the adult termites have tunneled through the wood of the home or building and become active. The tunnels serve as shelter for the young termite that are left behind after the adults have been killed. These termites feed on wood and leave a very noticeable trail as they make their way from the outside of the home to the center.

When an exterminator is being carried out by a pest exterminator, a thorough inspection of the home is carried out before any treatment is recommended. This inspection will include a visual assessment of the roof structure, interior wood joists, insulation, plumbing system, vents, water pipes and electrical system. Termites are particularly active at the beginning of the Australian summer season, so an inspection of these areas should be carried out prior to applying any termite treatments. For termite control in Inner West Termite Pest Control company experts recommend the following practices.

First, if you have found termites in your home it is imperative to halt their growth and eventual destruction of your home. Once a colony has been detected, using fumigation or sprays will not eradicate termite infestation. These treatments merely reduce the adult termites that are already present in your home and prevent new termites from hatching. If you want to be successful in your efforts to eliminate termites, you must prevent them from being able to reproduce. The only way to do this effectively is to prevent their entry into the first place.

There are several common methods used to apply drywood termites control. In Perth, we highly recommend using baits. Using bait will effectively slow the reproduction process and eventually prevent them from growing and developing as much as they would without the help of bait. Another common termite control method is to apply insecticides, which are applied to wooden structures, to kill termites.

Termite baits are available at most home improvement stores and come in a variety of forms including granules, bait balls, and devices that fit inside the house or around the perimeter. Baits can be quite effective for termite control in Inner West because termites usually congregate around wood, especially where food is present. Baiting devices are designed specifically to attract termites. These can be placed in crawlspaces, under decks, along the baseboard, and along walls.

Baits are more effective in termite control in Inner West where termites tend to build their nests near sources of water such as man-made lakes, fountains, and pools. Another effective method of termite control in Inner West involves placing termite repellents. These termite repellents attract termites and stop them from laying eggs. These can be placed on foundation walls, around wood edges, and along the baseboard.

For termite control, where termite infestation occurs, we highly recommend termite inspections. This is probably the most effective method of termite control. This inspection requires professional assistance to detect termite infestation since there are several subterranean species that can be identified with these inspections. The inspectors check for signs of termite infestation, which can include wings, mud tubes, and worker termites. They also check for colony overruns, which are signs that termites have taken over a large chunk of a building or property.

Termite control in Inner West is best left to a company that has been in the industry for quite some time. Such companies know which pests to target and how to get rid of them. Termites tend to destroy structures in an instant. A good termite control company can detect the presence of termite infestation in a building before it becomes a huge disaster. By doing termite inspections regularly, you can save yourself a lot of money in repairing costs and in eliminating termite infestation. Termites are a natural disaster waiting to happen. Contact Inner West Termite Pest Control at for the best termite control company.